Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hey there!! Microsoft is using Twitter. Join Today.

Today's culture calls for companies to interactively communicate with the members of their community, including employees, customers and investors. In order to do so, and to reach all of the potential targets, a company must take note of the social networks present and available to the public. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter or some sort of blogging network, it is important for companies to stay up to date.

I personally do not have a twitter account but when one visits twitter they are able to see the feed of that person regardless if they possess an account or not. So when I logged on to Microsoft's Twitter, I was a bit confused by the page. I am unsure if what I was reading on their feed was actually posted by them or posted by Microsoft its self. Nevertheless, for a person like me who doesn't use twitter or understand it much, I guess Microsoft's Twitter could be a bit more understandable for the common person. It seems as though people readily put ads for their own pages or company's on Microsoft's page because of its prominence and popularity. However, I am unsure of what I might see had I owned a Twitter account and followed Microsoft's page. In my opinion, looking from the outside in, I am pretty sure Microsoft's Twitter page could be a lot better and should be a lot better because computers and operating systems are their market. Most of the people on Twitter are probably using a Microsoft run PC or Laptop, if they're not on an Apple computer. I did find one screen shot of a Microsoft "tweet" promoting Bing (on google images.....shhh).

As far as Facebook goes, I'm pretty sure that Microsoft is doing all they can to influence the social network, considering it bought 240 million dollars worth of stake in the Facebook business. The acquisition will grant Microsoft control of the banner placement ads on Facebook, which generates ad revenue for the company. With a prominent and well known company behind the scenes at Facebook, one can only assume that companies will feel more comfortable placing ads on Facebook now that the deal is done. As far as Microsoft's actual Facebook page goes, I was able to find the article pointing to the acquisition on their page, which means they must be doing a good job of presenting important information through their Facebook feed. Their Facebook is geared towards students which makes sense because Facebook was originally created for college students like myself, and I truly appreciate Microsoft's recognition to that, as Facebook has grown to something I've become less and less fond of as other people join. Facebook is important because it's everywhere and everyone has it. Microsoft will only be able to improve their Facebook page more now that they have acquired a chunk of their business.

I beleive Microsoft is doing a good job ith their social media, and if I were them I would continue to market to the younger audiences that they are marketing towards now, because although Facebook's popularity is steadily increasing with those above 35, it is the future that they should be concernet about most, as social media for people of my generation is simply at its beginnings, and will only grow to be more and more complex and thorough. Microsoft made the right move by buying a chunk of Facebook's business and I truly do not think they could be doing much more in the category of Facebook. Shame on me for not understanding Twitter so well I guess, but it took an 8 month break off of Facebook for me just to be able to stomach the idea of some of these social networks. Personally, I fear for the fact that people are becoming so dependent on interactive communication. However, it is a growing industry whether positive or negative, and Microsoft's ability to understand this has been nothing but superb.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blog Introduction

Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975 as a software for some of the first born computers. Since then Microsoft has grown to a multinational and worldwide corporate powerhouse that laid down the foundation for all home and business computers. The reach of Microsoft however, is not limited to computer software, as they have developed such things as video game consoles, mp3 players, and many computer hardware items as well. Personally, I am a constant user of Microsoft products, hence I am writing this blog on a Microsoft run computer right now, and sitting next to an Xbox 360 which I will begin to play after immediately after I finish this post.

Even people who do not normally deal with computers, if there are any left, have an idea of the influence Microsoft has had on our lives, as Microsoft was the first company to create a very easy to use operating system for basic computers. It allowed for the public to access the internet and other mediums of interactive culture that they otherwise would not have been exposed to. Today, we narrow down the very important interactive side of our lives to two company's, the already mentioned Microsoft Corporation and Apple. Both company's have products that can be used on each others operating systems, such as the compatibility of the ipod on Windows. The point to be made lies within the cooperation of these companies to work together. Microsoft's mission statement reads "Our mission and values are to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential". Microsoft has worked to make business flourish in ways that were originally unimaginable. Today, Microsoft continues to progress, and the cooperation along with competition that exists between Microsoft and Apple helps both companies to progress even faster.

The potential of Microsoft is already evident, as their operating systems, ideas and products continue to impress the general public. However, Windows Vista did not live up to expectations as Apple progressed with new highly impressive operating systems on their new computers. However, Windows is soon to come out with a new software known as Windows 7 which is sure to impress and will be released in October. This is a highly anticipated date and will be followed closely throughout this blog as we approach and pass its release. With products such as Xbox 360 and zune and with new softwtware coming out shortly, Microsoft proves to be a highly exciting company to follow. Through Microsoft's improvements and constant progress, it seems right that people should be just as interested in it's full potential as it promises to be interested in ours.