I personally do not have a twitter account but when one visits twitter they are able to see the feed of that person regardless if they possess an account or not. So when I logged on to Microsoft's Twitter, I was a bit confused by the page. I am unsure if what I was reading on their feed was actually posted by them or posted by Microsoft its self. Nevertheless, for a person like me who doesn't use twitter or understand it much, I guess Microsoft's Twitter could be a bit more understandable for the common person. It seems as though people readily put ads for their own pages or company's on Microsoft's page because of its prominence and popularity.

As far as Facebook goes, I'm pretty sure that Microsoft is doing all they can to influence the social network, considering it bought 240 million dollars worth of stake in the Facebook business. The acquisition will grant Microsoft control of the banner placement ads on Facebook, which generates ad revenue for the company. With a prominent and well known company

I beleive Microsoft is doing a good job ith their social media, and if I were them I would continue to market to the younger audiences that they are marketing towards now, because although Facebook's popularity is steadily increasing with those above 35, it is the future that they should be concernet about most, as social media for people of my generation is simply at its beginnings, and will only grow to be more and more complex and thorough. Microsoft made the right move by buying a chunk of Facebook's business and I truly do not think they could be doing much more in the category of Facebook. Shame on me for not understanding Twitter so well I guess, but it took an 8 month break off of Facebook for me just to be able to stomach the idea of some of these social networks. Personally, I fear for the fact that people are becoming so dependent on interactive communication. However, it is a growing industry whether positive or negative, and Microsoft's ability to understand this has been nothing but superb.
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