Monday, October 26, 2009

MS - "Wiring the Global Village"

Where do I start? I guess I should first state that Bill Gates, the founder and owner of Microsoft backs the largest transparently operated private foundation in the world. The foundation globally attacks the issues of health care and poverty, and domestically attacks education and information technology improvements in the United States. This blog is about Microsoft though, who technically would be considered a partner of the foundation, as the two are in fact separate entities. However, from a PR standpoint, if the fact of a company backs the largest foundation in the world, it speaks volume about the company as a whole, whether it falls within the company or is just considered a partner. Nevertheless, Microsoft does it's fair share plus some in the world of charity and community relations.

Microsoft concentrates it's community relations program in several different areas. First, there is workforce development, which concentrates on Microsoft's goal to provide training in information technology for people who are underprivileged and in locations of the world where they do not have access to technology that more advantaged individuals have. Microsoft is committed to developing these programs so that individuals have the IT skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. Since 2003, MS has provided 350 million dollars in cash and software grans to over 1,000 community partners in over 100 countries. Also, they have provided support for over 40,000 tech centers in areas that do not have the means for computer technology. For example, in Sri Lanka, Microsoft worked with infoshare,inc. which provides technology to those attempting to make social change and progress.

Microsoft is also commited to "wiring the global village". Their plan is to help Non-governmental organizations unleash technology to advance social and economic development. Without microsoft, these Non-governmental organizations do not have access to information that the government or other organizations have, thus making it virtually impossible to gain awareness of their organizations on a global level. Microsoft ensures that these NGO's have access to more secure technology in order to transfer operations through innovative technology.

Microsoft roots are located in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. Microsoft has since been extremely interested in preserving this area as afluent and they are committed to maintaining the vitality of the area. They are committed to ensuring a thriving art and culture, strong network of critical human service providers, world-class education and engaging civil affairs in the area.

Another aspect of Microsoft's efforts to help the community lie within their Disaster and Humanitarian Response program. Their efforts attempt to make communities more resilient in disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. Microsoft uses it's programs, software and features in order to help people prepare for disaster and help to recover after disaster. Their citizen safety architecture (CSA) is in place to create safe environments for humans to live in, in regards to the environment around them. The Microsoft Vine helps people stay in touch and communicate with emergency response personnel as well as each other during disaster. The Microsoft Sharepoint is in place to protect variable information, and helps to create a secure server for people, so that during a disaster, their valuable information remains protected and secure. Bing Map creates realtime imagery for respondents to familiarize themselves with an area quickly, and plan accordingly in order to respond to disasters in the most effective way. MS office groove helps for easy info sharing and reduces coordination time for respondents and affected citizens. And finally, MS Framework is in place so that programs can run effectively during the time of disasters. For example, in regards to emergency response, Microsoft donated 11 million dollars in contributions to Hurricane Katrina technology support.

Microsoft encourages it's employees to make efforts by giving and reaching out by participating in volunteer programs on their own. Microsoft offers programs for their employees to participate in, and suggestions for volunteer opportunities. The combination of all of Microsoft's efforts, along with Bill Gates' foundation and charity efforts, along with their employees efforts to help, all make for a company who clearly cares about the world that they are a part of. Microsoft makes a lot of money, and this is no secret to anyone, because most of our operating systems today are based off Microsoft software, however, Microsoft realizes that it is the customers and the people that buy their products that are most important to keeping this world moving in a positive direction, and their efforts reflect this realization.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Building Up to October 22nd

Vista didn't work well. Whether you ask consumers or the corporate leaders at Microsoft, it is almost common knowledge among computer users that Windows Vista did not live up to the expectations of Microsoft's original plan. Maybe this is why the anticipation and expectation for Windows 7 is so unbelievably high. On their site, Microsoft advertises Windows 7 with an available and easy to use virtual tour, where people can have incite into what to expect from the new Windows.

The challenges lie in making people aware of the new features and changes, and how these improvements will be able to improve the overall process of using the computer. It is up to the PR department of Microsoft to convince people that Windows 7 is not just a new Windows Vista, but rather something new, fresh and revolutionary for the computer industry. In the tour video, the last thing said by the host is "Windows 7 is ultimately about the things that you told us you care about, to get things done quicker, easier and faster." This is a good slogan for Microsoft to go by, because it attacks what people expect from a computer in speed and efficiency, while also pointing out that the features are aimed towards pleasing customer needs and wants. Also, Microsoft is using television as another media on top of the website and internet ads. Their first ad include poppy songs and well done visual effects to portray a futuristic yet down to earth feel for the new product. The other commercial depicts a child who is talking about the number 7, and using the computer with a seemingly unrivaled ease for her age.

Both the website and the TV ads, along with magazine ads and TV spots are a good start to Windows campaign for 7 and have set up a very high mark for Windows 7 to live up to. I think that Windows has done a fantastic job in promoting their new product, and the only thing left now is the release date, and the evaluation of the product its self. Microsoft cannot afford to have another botched operating system, because Vista was really weak compared to what Apple has been able to do in the past couple of years. I believe that Windows, along with the entire computer industry and its consumers is ready for Windows 7, and Microsoft has done a fantastic job with making sure of that.