Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Building Up to October 22nd

Vista didn't work well. Whether you ask consumers or the corporate leaders at Microsoft, it is almost common knowledge among computer users that Windows Vista did not live up to the expectations of Microsoft's original plan. Maybe this is why the anticipation and expectation for Windows 7 is so unbelievably high. On their site, Microsoft advertises Windows 7 with an available and easy to use virtual tour, where people can have incite into what to expect from the new Windows.

The challenges lie in making people aware of the new features and changes, and how these improvements will be able to improve the overall process of using the computer. It is up to the PR department of Microsoft to convince people that Windows 7 is not just a new Windows Vista, but rather something new, fresh and revolutionary for the computer industry. In the tour video, the last thing said by the host is "Windows 7 is ultimately about the things that you told us you care about, to get things done quicker, easier and faster." This is a good slogan for Microsoft to go by, because it attacks what people expect from a computer in speed and efficiency, while also pointing out that the features are aimed towards pleasing customer needs and wants. Also, Microsoft is using television as another media on top of the website and internet ads. Their first ad include poppy songs and well done visual effects to portray a futuristic yet down to earth feel for the new product. The other commercial depicts a child who is talking about the number 7, and using the computer with a seemingly unrivaled ease for her age.

Both the website and the TV ads, along with magazine ads and TV spots are a good start to Windows campaign for 7 and have set up a very high mark for Windows 7 to live up to. I think that Windows has done a fantastic job in promoting their new product, and the only thing left now is the release date, and the evaluation of the product its self. Microsoft cannot afford to have another botched operating system, because Vista was really weak compared to what Apple has been able to do in the past couple of years. I believe that Windows, along with the entire computer industry and its consumers is ready for Windows 7, and Microsoft has done a fantastic job with making sure of that.

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