A major product made by Microsoft is their video game console, Xbox 360. Xbox 360 is a high powered, state of the art console that offers some of the most realistic and easy to play video games ever imagined. However, Microsoft's Xbox 360 has a major flaw that has caused an outrage amongst it's consumers. The "Red Ring of Death", a named coined on internet blogs, is a condition in which the Xbox user ring on the console turns red randomly upon turning the console on, and ceases to work from that point on. As a result, consumers must send in their Xbox 360 for repair and wait anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks for a new console, or the same console with repairs to return to them ready to use. I personally am in the process of receiving my second Xbox 360 in the matter of 2 months, as I experienced the Red Ring of Death with my own console, and then with the second replacement console that was sent to me. The process is long and frustrating, as customer support representatives are required to do everything in their power to instruct consumers to troubleshoot and identify the problem. However, Microsoft has finally allowed for a packaging slip to be printed off of their site, in order to skip the process of speaking to representatives on the phone. This online process is a good idea for Microsoft, as most Xbox 360 users are computer literate and able to do this easily. Also, most people who get the Red Ring at this point are aware of what it is, and will be frustrated with the fact that they have it, thus, it would not even be necessary to explain to them what needs to be done over the phone. This express service for users who experience the Red Ring is one good way that Microsoft has dealt with the Red Ring.
Microsoft has not done a good job of communicating messages and explaining what the Red Ring is. One could do extensive research on the internet or through magazines, and only find speculation of vague terms regarding what causes the Red Ring. From the research, one can figure out what the red ring means through this a simple chart. Most of the codes that the red ring offers, show fixable problems on the Xbox, other than the one code that states that there is a general hardware problem on the xbox, and this is the problem that requires consumers to send the product back to Microsoft for repair. Microsofts overall method regarding this problem has been to remain q

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